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Legal Research can be a complex and time-consuming process for in-house attorneys and paralegals. A small negligence can cause major damage to the firm. We, at Draft n Craft have a team of immensely talented Indian attorneys who are trained on the U.S. judicial systems. Our dynamic team of attorneys and paralegals come from various backgrounds and share their rich experience in carrying effective legal research for our clients. They efficiently sift through data using the different research tools available with us. Regular supplementary training and updates corresponding with the ever-changing law bolster our teams’ analytical skills and detail-oriented approach.

  • Proficient, precise, and comprehensive legal research for each of the different U.S. jurisdictions
  • IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, and Conclusion) Memo with legal analysis of issues presented by the client’s set of facts
  • Annotated summary of Shephardized cases relevant to the client’s issue(s)
  • Conclusion advocating the clients’ legal position
  • Available instantly on-demand, predictable and fully reviewable
  • Quick turnaround time

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